Dear Friend,
Some of you may be explained that caste system was not what it is in current form etc, there was a noble intention, only some people misused it, it was based on Guna aka Quality aka Natural Quality that one posessed etc.., but the below study thrashes this argument, following this argument you will see the statement of vivekananda wich justifies such a thing
Franz Boas [ Some problems of methodology in social sciences ]
" If we know the whole biological, geographical and culural setting
os a society completely, and if we understood in detail the ways of reacting of the members f the society as a whole to these conditions, we should not need historical knowledge of the origin of
the society to understand its behavior"
Swami Viekananda
Some of you may be explained that caste system was not what it is in current form etc, there was a noble intention, only some people misused it, it was based on Guna aka Quality aka Natural Quality that one posessed etc.., but the below study thrashes this argument, following this argument you will see the statement of vivekananda wich justifies such a thing
Franz Boas [ Some problems of methodology in social sciences ]
" If we know the whole biological, geographical and culural setting
os a society completely, and if we understood in detail the ways of reacting of the members f the society as a whole to these conditions, we should not need historical knowledge of the origin of
the society to understand its behavior"
Swami Viekananda
"The conviction is daily gaining on my mind that the idea of
CASTE is the greatest dividing factor and the root of Maya; all CASTE either
on the principle of birth or of merit is bondage. Some friends advise,
"True, lay all that at heart, but outside,in the world of relative
experience, distinctions like CASTE must needs be maintained"...The idea of
oneness at heart [with craven impotence of effort, that is to say], and
outside, the hell-dance of demons -oppression and persecution-ay, the dealer
of death to the poor; but if the PARIAH be wealthy enough," Oh,he is the
protector of religion"
Over and above, I come to see from my studies that the
disciplines of religions are not for the SHUDRA; if he exercises any
discrimination about food or going out to foreign lands, it is all useless
in his case, only so much labour lost. I am a Shudra, a Mlechcha, I have
nothing to do with all that botheration. To me what would Mlechcha's food
matter or Pariah's? It is in the books written by PRIESTS that madnesses
like that of CASTE are to be found, and not in the books revealed from God.
Let the PRIESTS enjoy the fruits of their ancestors' achievment, while I
follow the word of God, for my good lies there." - Letters; --- p.337-338.